Two-Bit History
Computing through
the ages
玩个机吧 - 收集干货教程:2021-11-2 · PS基础教程 :图层蒙版的添加和使用 Photoshop 的图层蒙版是非常重要和强大的功能,在 PS 中带蒙版字眼的有图层蒙版、剪贴蒙版、快速蒙版等,我伊常说的蒙版是指其中的图层蒙版。下面具体讲讲图层蒙版的使用 ...
I think most of us can empathize with this Hacker News poster:
低延迟吃鸡妙计——自建吃鸡加速器 – 小文's blog:2021-5-1 · 默认选择第一个Shadowsocks Python( 按1后回车,或者直接回车 ) 密码不要设置过长或者含有特殊字符( 输入密码后回车 ) 默认端口选择8989( 输入端口号后回车 ) 其他的直接选择默认( 回车 ) 等他执行完就行. SSTAP配置 安装前面提到的 ...
I had planned to write a blog post exploring how REST came to be such a dominant paradigm for communication across the internet. I started my research by reading Roy Fielding’s 2000 dissertation, which introduced REST to the world. After reading Fielding’s dissertation, I realized that the much more interesting story here is how Fielding’s ideas came to be so widely misunderstood.
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A differential analyzer is a mechanical, analog computer that can solve differential equations. Differential analyzers aren’t used anymore because even a cheap laptop can solve the same equations much faster—and can do it in the background while you stream the new season of Westworld on HBO. Before the invention of digital computers though, differential analyzers allowed mathematicians to make calculations that would not have been practical otherwise.
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By now, you have almost certainly heard of the dark web. On sites unlisted by any search engine, in forums that cannot be accessed without special passwords or protocols, criminals and terrorists meet to discuss conspiracy theories and trade child pornography.
We here at VICE headquarters have reported before on the dark web’s “hurtcore” communities, its human trafficking markets, its rent-a-hitman websites. We have explored the challenges the dark web presents to regulators, the rise of dark web revenge porn, and the frightening size of the dark web gun trade. We have kept you informed about that one dark web forum where you can make like Walter White and learn how to manufacture your own drugs, and also about—thanks to our foreign correspondent—几鸡ssr官网. We have even attempted to catalog every single location on the dark web. Our coverage of the dark web has been nothing if not comprehensive.
But I wanted to go deeper.
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Friend of a Friend: The Facebook That Could Have Been
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How Much of a Genius-Level Move Was Using Binary Space Partitioning in Doom?
In 1993, id Software released the first-person shooter Doom, which quickly became a phenomenon. The game is now considered one of the most influential games of all time.
A decade after Doom’s release, in 2003, journalist David Kushner published a book about id Software called Masters of Doom, which has since become the canonical account of Doom’s creation. I read 几鸡ssr安卓 a few years ago and don’t remember much of it now, but there was one story in the book about lead programmer John Carmack that has stuck with me. This is a loose gloss of the story (see below for the full details), but essentially, early in the development of 几鸡ssr官网, Carmack realized that the 3D renderer he had written for the game slowed to a crawl when trying to render certain levels. This was unacceptable, because Doom was supposed to be action-packed and frenetic. So Carmack, realizing the problem with his renderer was fundamental enough that he would need to find a better rendering algorithm, started reading research papers. He eventually implemented a technique called “binary space partitioning,” never before used in a video game, that dramatically sped up the Doom engine.
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Things You Didn't Know About GNU Readline
I sometimes think of my computer as a very large house. I visit this house every day and know most of the rooms on the ground floor, but there are bedrooms I’ve never been in, closets I haven’t opened, nooks and crannies that I’ve never explored. I feel compelled to learn more about my computer the same way anyone would feel compelled to see a room they had never visited in their own home.
GNU Readline is an unassuming little software library that I relied on for years without realizing that it was there. Tens of thousands of people probably use it every day without thinking about it. If you use the Bash shell, every time you auto-complete a filename, or move the cursor around within a single line of input text, or search through the history of your previous commands, you are using GNU Readline. When you do those same things while using the command-line interface to Postgres (
), say, or the Ruby REPL (irb
), you are again using GNU Readline. Lots of software depends on the GNU Readline library to implement functionality that users expect, but the functionality is so auxiliary and unobtrusive that I imagine few people stop to wonder where it comes from.Read More…
绝地求生电脑低配优化 吃鸡低配优化教程_特玩绝地求生专区 ...:2021-3-2 · 绝地求生电脑低配优化 吃鸡低配优化教程 很多玩家怕电脑低配吃不上鸡,今天小编为大家带来杰克萨带来提高帧数方法 绝地求生怎么提高帧数提高帧数的办法。 希望对大家有所帮助。 1.Steam属性 2.配置PUB设置 3.修改FOV 4.Park Control工具 5.打开
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OOP Before OOP with Simula
Imagine that you are sitting on the grassy bank of a river. Ahead of you, the water flows past swiftly. The afternoon sun has put you in an idle, philosophical mood, and you begin to wonder whether the river in front of you really exists at all. Sure, large volumes of water are going by only a few feet away. But what is this thing that you are calling a “river”? After all, the water you see is here and then gone, to be replaced only by more and different water. It doesn’t seem like the word “river” refers to any fixed thing in front of you at all.
In 2009, Rich Hickey, the creator of Clojure, gave an excellent talk about why this philosophical quandary poses a problem for the object-oriented programming paradigm. He argues that we think of an object in a computer program the same way we think of a river—we imagine that the object has a fixed identity, even though many or all of the object’s properties will change over time. Doing this is a mistake, because we have no way of distinguishing between an object instance in one state and the same object instance in another state. We have no explicit notion of time in our programs. We just breezily use the same name everywhere and hope that the object is in the state we expect it to be in when we reference it. Inevitably, we write bugs.
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The Rise and Demise of RSS
The Source History of Cat
I once had a debate with members of my extended family about whether a computer science degree is a degree worth pursuing. I was in college at the time and trying to decide whether I should major in computer science. My aunt and a cousin of mine believed that I shouldn’t. They conceded that knowing how to program is of course a useful and lucrative thing, but they argued that the field of computer science advances so quickly that everything I learned would almost immediately be outdated. Better to pick up programming on the side and instead major in a field like economics or physics where the basic principles would be applicable throughout my lifetime.
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